Monitor your system* from your computer or your mobile. It's easy and free!
Minimum password lenght is 8 characters.
You would be able to add more systems to your profile, once you have completed your registration.
This is the name that we will use to display the system in the dashboard.
This is the price that is going ot be used to caclcuate properties like 'Grid power reduction' and 'Opex reduction'.
Enter exact or approximate address of your system. You could specify location on the map.
The country of your location will appear in the text box below
*Initially choose one EXERON for registration and enter its serial number. After login you could register additional machines.
The X systems world map represents all fully working EXERON systems and is updated on a regular basis.
To confrim that you would like to continue with executing this action, please click on the 'Confrim' button.
To cancel the current action, please click on the 'Cancel' button.